United States and Canada
GameBlazers is a Free-to-Play product, therefore, anyone can create a GameBlazers Account, regardless of their states legal position on Fantasy Sports, Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS), or any other form of fantasy sports gaming. Packs can be purchased in all 50 states without restrictions. In addition, all of GameBlazers' Free-to-Play Contests and MiniGames do not require any consideration or purchases in order to participate, therefore, do not require DFS licensing in order to operate legally. Free-to-Play is defined as: Contests in which do not require an entry fee, nor pay-out cash prizes to users.
Free-Roll Contests, which do NOT require an entry fee in order to participate, but do pay cash prizes, require users to KYC and verify their age, as well as location, in order to participate. Free-Roll Contests DO NOT REQUIRE a license in order to be run legally at the state level. Fantasy and DFS regulation are explicit that ONLY Contests that accept entry fees are required to be licensed at the state level; because GameBlazers does not accept entry fees, GameBlazers Free-Roll Contests are able to operate, as is, without individual state licenses. This has been corroborated on multiple occasions by individual state regulators.
Free-Roll Contests are geo-restricted and are limited to the following 43 US States, plus Washington DC, as well as Canada, except Ontario, that are listed below:
United States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
- GameBlazers does not operate Free-Rolls in the following states; either because they prohibit fantasy sports service providers until further notice, or because we have been advised by our legal team that we should not operate there without first receiving a license: Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, Washington.
- However, this does not prohibit users from these states from participate on GameBlazers, either by purchasing Packs, using the Marketplace, or participating in Free-to-Play Contests or MiniGames. The only action that cannot be performed by users in these states are participating in Free-Roll Contests.
Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfouldland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan
- GameBlazers does not operate Free-Rolls in the following provinces; either because they prohibit fantasy sports service providers until further notice, or because we have been advised by our legal team that we should not operate there without first receiving a license: Ontario
Paid Entry Fee Contests, which are separate and different from Free-Roll Contests, and are required to have individual state-by-state licenses, do NOT currently exist for GameBlazers. We are in the process of gaining approval from the necessary state regulators for operation - we have already received approvals from: Alabama, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Tennessee. We have decided to not yet offer Paid Entry-Fee Gaming in pre-approved states to ensure a uniform roll-out to eligible GameBlazers users at one-time.
International Countries
GameBlazers is a Free-to-Play product, therefore, anyone can create a GameBlazers Account, regardless of their country's legal position on Fantasy Sports, Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS), or any other form of fantasy sports gaming. Packs can be purchased anywhere without restrictions. In addition, all of GameBlazers' Free-to-Play Contests and MiniGames do not require any consideration or purchases in order to participate, therefore, do not require DFS licensing in order to operate legally at the international level. Free-to-Play is defined as: Contests in which do not require an entry fee, nor pay-out cash prizes to users.
Free-Roll Contests, which do NOT require an entry fee in order to participate, but do pay cash prizes, require users to KYC and verify their age, as well as location, in order to participate. Free-Roll Contests DO NOT REQUIRE a license in order to be run legally at the United States level; however, this may vary from country to country, therefore, GameBlazers does NOT offer Free-Roll Contests at the international level in any and all forms - except for the Canadian Provinces listed above. GameBlazers will receive explicit legal approval to offer Free-Roll Contests at the international level, ex-Canada, on a case-by-case basis, but currently does not have country approval outside of the United States and Canada.
Paid Entry Fee Contests, which DO require an entry fee in order to participate, and do pay cash prizes, require users to KYC and verify their age, as well as location, in order to participate. Paid-Entry Contests DO REQUIRE a license in order to be run legally at the United States level. This may also be the case from country to country, therefore, GameBlazers does NOT offer Paid-Entry Contests at the international level in any and all forms. GameBlazers will receive explicit legal approval to offer Paid-Entry Contests at the international level on a case-by-case basis, but currently does not have explicit country approval.